K-Link K-Liquid Organic Spirulina

Spirulina is one particular kind of blue-green algae with a centuries long history of safe human consumption. It is well known to be safe and nutritious. The WHO recognizes the nutritional importance of spirulina in parts of the world where there is protein malnutrition. K-LINK Liquid Organic Spirulina is an amazing super food for health, energy and vitality originating from the world's largest Spirulina farm Earth-rise Nutritionals in California, USA.
K-LINK Organic Spirulina is derived from pure, unmodified and 100% natural Organic Spirulina and is free from pesticides, herbicides or impurities. Spirulina contains at least 12 vitamins, 11 minerals, 4 important pigments, 14 essential and non-essential fatty acids and 18 essential and non-essential amino acids.
Spirulina is rich in Beta Carotene. Spirulina is an effective energy booster and an ideal food supplement for people of all ages. It boosts our immune system, has a property to prevent heart disease and cancer, provides high iron and has potent anti-viral activity.
The K-LINK'S Liquid Organic Spirulina is harvested in ecologically controlled, and uncontaminated environment. K-Liquid Spirulina is a balanced meal to adults and children alike, helps to nourish people with digestive problems and provides the required "greens" for those who have no liking for vegetables.
People who need spirulina???
* In the growth period.
* Patients with stress, depression.
* They are quickly exhausted, tired, lethargic, and weak.
* They are in the recovery physical illness or surgery.
* Those who are in the process of health diet (reduce levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and
blood sugar Hypertension).
* Patients with ulcer, Gastritis and other digestive disorders.
Spirulina is Rich in:
A) Protein and Amino Acids, Gamma Linolic Acid and Other Fatty Acids:
Highest protein content(65%), far higher than soy beans (35%), animal and fish (15%) and eggs (12%), but easily absorb, digested and assimilated by the body, important to undernourished and those with intestinal
Helps in hormonal balance.
Lowers cholesterol level.
Improves Skin conditions.
B) Carbohydrates, pigments and enzymes:
Gives energy.
Regulates body metabolism (phycocyanin & chlorophyll).
Enzymes, Super Oxide Dismotase, important in removing free radicals, retarding the aging process, etc.
C) Vitamins & Minerals: A (beta-carotene 10 times more than carrots), B12 and Iron (50 times more than Spinach), calcium, chromium, copper, zinc, etc.
Improves vision
Reduces risk of any form of cancer
Production of red blood cells, bone marrows and nervous system
Lowers risk of heart attack or stroke
Builds immune system
Healthy bones and prevents osteoporosis
Lowers and controls blood sugar
Reduces the risk of Homocystine (damaged blood vessel)
• Berry Juice
• Crystalline Fructose
• Organic Spirulina
• Xanthan Gum
• Guar Gum
• Citric Acid
• Natural Flavour and Color
• Purified Water and
• Permitted level of food grade preservatives.
• K-LINK'S Spirulina is in liquid form, making its nutrients highly digestible, which in turn
provides the body with instant benefits.
• Moreover, K-LINKs liquid organic spirulina is fortified with UIE, making it a super food for
health, energy and vitality.
• Just 1 sachet of K-LINKs liquid organic Spirulina provides 50% of the nutrition required by
our body per day.
• Spirulina is a complete balanced meal in a sachet.
• Spirulina strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability to generate new
• Malnourished children and adults have gained health and have benefited from the
consumption of spirulina.
• Spirulina contains GLA Gamma Linolenic Acid in natural form, which is an anti
inflammatory agent, which alleviates symptoms of arthritic conditions, and also promotes
• It is a natural cleanser and a balanced meal.
• It cleanses and detoxifies the body's internal organs and eliminates toxins from the body.
• It is also an excellent energy booster.
• It is an organic food without any pesticides or chemicals.
• It is the only richest plant source of protein.
• Rich in minerals and has upto 70% of proteins.
• Reduces PMS.
• Anti-Aging.
• Proteins in spirulina is the only protein that does not form mucous in the large intestine. K-LINKs Liquid Organic Spirulina is an ideal supplement for people of all age groups. EARTHRISE NUTRITIONAL S
• K- Link Liquid Organic Spirulina is sourced from Earthrise Nutritional, USA. Earthrise Nutritionals has pioneered the culture of spirulina since 1975 and was the first American company to introduce spirulina as a natural food in 1979. Today, the 108-acre Earthrise Farms at Calipatria, California, is the world's largest spirulina farm, producing some 500 metric tons of processed spirulina per year.
Why choose spirulina?
1) Spirulina has an amazing high nutritional profile.
2) Spirulina is a rich source of enzymes and is the best whole-food source of Gamma Linelonic Acid (GLA). GLA is known to stimulate growth, act as anti-inflammatory and alleviate arthritic symptoms.
3) Spirulina is the richest whole food source of protein, containing up to 70% of the nutrient as compared to eggs (12%), soybeans (35%), beef (17%), dried skim milk (35%), peanuts (25%), grains (8-14%) and whole milk (3%).
4) Spirulina is rich in beta carotene. Its beta carotene is 10 times higher than that of a carrot. Beta carotene has anti-oxidant properties and plays a role in preventing heart disease and cancer.
5) Spirulina contains a whole spectrum of natural mixed carotene and xanthophylls phyto-pigments. Spirulina’s pigments include chlorophyll, carotenoids, phycocyanin and superoxide dismutase, while calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, mangananese, zinc, selenium, copper and chromium constitute its minerals content.
6) K-Liquid Organic Spirulina is an effective energy booster and an ideal food supplement for people of all ages and lifestyles. It also cleanses our body’s internal organs and boosts our immune system.
7) K-Liquid Organic Spirulina is derived from pure, unmodified and 100% natural organic spirulina. The organic spirulina is ecologically cultivated in the world’s largest spirulina farm in California, USA. The scientifically controlled cultivation spirulina is free from pesticides, herbicides and other impurities.
K-Link's spirulina is in liquid form making its nutrients highly digestible, which in turn provides the body with instant benefits. Moreover, K-Link's Liquid Organic Spirulina is fortified with UIE (Universe Induced Energy), making it a super food for health, energy and vitality.
One sachet can provide 50% of nutrition required by our body. Best for:
a) Children and Adults
b) Recovering from injuries including surgery & child birth.
c) Slimming or obesity
d) PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome
e) Malnourished
f) Kidney Problem
g) Anemia
h) High Cholesterol (Fatty Lipids)
i) Vegetarian
j) Pregnant and lactating women
k) Boost Immune System
l) Energy Booster
Spirulina is a complete balance meal in a sachet! Spirulina strengthens the immune system and enhances the body's ability to generate new cells.
What is the amount of spirulina to complete food source for adults?
Spirulina is considered to be the nature’s richest and complete food source with high biological value of protein and all essential amino acids. Pure spirulina is 2 – 3 times richer in Vitamin B12 than raw beef liver, which was thought to be the nature’s richest source of this vitamin. More than that, this form of blue-green algae is rich in bio-chelated organic iron and a complete food source of Vitamin $, as weel as beta-carotene (provitamin A). Spirulina is 25 times richer in Vitamin A than raw carrots! Furthermore, it is a great source of antioxidants and contains vitamins B1, B5, and B6, the minerals zinc, copper, manganese, the amino acid methionine and the trace elements, including selenium and linolenic acid.
The typical composition of spirulina is as follows:
Protein and amino acids – 65%
Carbohydrates – 20%
Minerals – 7%
Fats – 5%
The spirulina proteing is 90% digestible, which is especially important for elder people and those suffering from intestinal malabsorption.
For a better effect, adults should take 2 grams or more (up to 10 grams!) of pure spirulina powder a day.
What is the maximum dosage of spirulina per day?
Pure spirulina did not show any signs of toxicity when taken in the maximum dosage of 800 mg per each kilogram of the body weight. Clinical studies suggest that the most suitable dose of spirulina is 3 to 5 grams of the pure powder. The administration of up to 10 grams of spirulina wasn’t found toxic and in some cases had a positive effect on the general human health.
How much spirulina should I take for rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic auto immune disorder widely spread among agin populations in USA and Europe. Such treatment as allopathic medicine with steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs produce only limited affect on the disease. Such drugs are effective when they are applied to cure acute rheumatoid arthritis, but they are not so successful in the treatment of chronic disease. Besides, on a prolongued, long-term use, these treatments are associated with various side effects.
Several clinical studies suggested that organic spirulina may be helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with the dosages of 800 milligrams per kilogram or 400 milligrams per pound. Such doses had positive anti inflammatory effects and reduced swelling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (Mahaboobkhan Rasool et. al., 2006)
Mix with 250ml water / drink anything.
1 pack 7 x 15ml sachets